Why Denture and Gum Hygiene Are Imperative To Oral Health

Here at Classic Denture Center, your denturist in Portland OR is constantly working to educate you on your oral health. One major part of keeping those pearly whites healthy is keeping up with your hygiene.

It might seem surprising but research consistently shows that those who wear dentures are at a higher risk for developing infections in their mouth than those who do not wear dentures. Even more surprising is the fact that the majority of those who wear dentures will eventually be infected as time moves on. Infection can be detrimental to hygiene and oral health.

Classic Denture Center - denture hygiene

Here are just a few types of bacteria that frequently colonize on dentures:

  • Candida Albicans
  • Streptococcus
  • Staphylococcus
  • Actinomyces

While bacteria is everywhere and is not always dangerous, when it comes to your mouth, the above infections can lead to Oral Thrush, Stomatitis and Pneumonia. Each of these is so common that millions of people are infected each year.

The symptoms of an oral infection are:

  • Redness
  • Discomfort
  • White tongue
  • Loss of taste

Most people who have the beginning stages of oral infections may not even know that they are sick because the symptoms can be so mild.

What puts you at a greater risk for oral infection?

Things like your age, the medication you are taking, illnesses you might have, and your personal habits can make you much more prone to an oral infection. This is especially true when you use your dentures beyond the recommended replacement time and those who do not clean them properly. In some cases, medications can further exacerbate your oral condition by causing dry mouth and other conditions.

A major issue we see is that many of these infections are left untreated due to a variety of factors… Maybe you are not aware that your symptoms are pointing to a problem, or maybe you regularly visit the drugstore, not a dental professional. Either way, we at Classic Denture Center take pride in educating our patients about the hygienic risks associated with the regular use of oral appliances.

A reminder from your denturist

Classic Denture Center - denture hygiene
Do NOT clean your dentures with regular toothpaste.

One of the most common problems we see is that many patients do not know or forget that toothpaste is much too abrasive for removable oral appliances! It might seem harmless to brush your dentures, partial dentures, mouth guards, or snoring devices with a toothbrush and toothpaste, but it can damage them more than you realize. The bristles can cause microscopic scratches, leading to a visible difference in shine, finish, and color… but even worse, these scratches become the perfect breeding ground for dangerous pathogens.

To fight back against infection and keep your oral appliances in tip-top shape, your denturist in Portland OR recommends properly cleaning them, your mouth, and your gums regularly. A soft toothbrush used with a low-abrasive denture gum paste or any antibacterial soap is best! If you need suggestions, please feel free to contact our office! We are happy to help you every step of the way.

*Major brand denture cleansers can only claim to kill “odor-causing bacteria”, and do nothing to prevent recurring diseases from infected dentures. Doctor Lorin Berland, DDS developed Cleanadent Crystals, a soak cleanser that instantly kills Candida, Strep, Staph, and Actinomyces without harmful chemicals like bleach or chlorine.

9 Vital Tips to Keeping Your Dentures in Tip Top Shape

denturist in Portland OR

Your denturist in Portland OR Tanya Poleon takes great pride in creating a beautiful set of dentures to help you gain both confidence and function in your daily life! These dentures are meant to last you through many years of chewing, talking, laughing, and smiling!

That said, your high-quality dentures from Classic Denture Center can begin to deteriorate prematurely if they are not cared for in an effective and cautious way!

For this reason, your denturist will always take the time to explain to you the proper ways to care for your dentures. If you follow her advice, your new dentures can do their job and stay looking fantastic for their entire life-span.

One thing to remember is that when it comes to dentures, they are just like natural teeth in the way that they require daily hygiene. But what does that mean? Obviously, your dentures are not natural teeth, so you must learn to care for them in the correct way!

Here are 9 important tips for caring for your dentures from your trusted denturist in Portland OR:

1. Remember to clean your dentures after each meal: To do this, take your dentures out of your mouth and carefully rinse off the loose food particles. Next, wet the brush and put the denture cleaner on it. Use the brush to scrub all of the surfaces gently to keep from damaging the plastic base.

2. It is best to use a special brush made for cleaning dentures: That said, you can use a toothbrush with bristles that are soft. NEVER use a hard-bristled brush because it could damage your dentures.

3. Liquid soap is effective when used with your denture brush: Remember though, toothpaste should never be used to clean dentures. Toothpaste can have abrasive particles in it that could damage the denture base and teeth.

4. Take extra precaution not to drop your dentures: Dentures are very delicate and have been known to break when dropped on a hard surface. If you stand over a folded towel or a sink filled with cool water while holding your denture, you should be fine.

5. Store your dentures in water when you are not wearing them: If you allow them to sit out, they could dry out or lose their shape.

6. Ask your denturist: She can educate you on the proper way to care for your dentures and inform you if you should be using a special cleanser.

7. Always remember to rinse your partial denture well if you use a denture cleanser: These products can contain chemicals that are not intended to go inside your mouth.

8. Always read the instructions: They can tell you exactly what process you should use for your particular denture cleanser.

9. Keep your dentures away from curious children and pets when you are not wearing them: Children are inquisitive in nature and may be drawn to your dentures as something new and exciting!

It is always a good idea to ask your denturist for advice when it comes to the proper care of your dentures because the processes might vary slightly between offices. Your denturist in Portland OR can give you some tips and suggestions in person, and may even be able to offer some tricks to keeping your dentures in working order as long as possible!

Contact us to make your appointment today and be prepared for a stunning new smile that will blow your friends and family away!