The Amazing Benefits of Removable Partial Dentures

At Classic Denture Center, we are your premier provider of dentures and partial removable dentures in Portland Oregon. Dr. Tanya Poleon strives to give you back your efficiency and confidence through fixtures that are composed of the strongest and highest quality materials on the market. She utilizes the newest technology to ensure a perfect fit, so you can be proud of your new smile.

Benefits of Removable Partial Dentures

From dentures to partials, your denturist can help you decide which of our services will make the most profound impact on your life. Sometimes our patients come into our office with missing teeth. These patients already know from experience that living with this can be emotionally and physically draining. Not only have they had to adapt for eating their favorite foods, but their social interactions have also become much more challenging because of a lowered self-confidence. In many cases, these patients tell us that they avoid socializing altogether because they are so worried about showing their mouth to the world.

What are the physical impacts of tooth loss?

When a tooth is lost in your mouth, the teeth around it may begin to tilt and drift into the empty space. The teeth below or above may also begin to shift downwards or upwards towards the space. This shifting around can affect your bite and cause more stress to be placed on your remaining teeth and jaws. One major implication can also be the development of temporomandibular disorder, causing further pain and discomfort with your mouth.

These physical changes are exactly why we always recommend replacing missing teeth.

When we see a patient missing one or more teeth, we will often suggest using a removable partial denture to uphold the integrity of their mouth, jaw, and overall wellbeing.

Why use removable partial dentures? 

Removable partial dentures offer a variety of benefits to our patients suffering from tooth loss. Not only can they make it much easier to chew food, but they can also help you speak more clearly and support your cheeks and lips so your face is not sagging.

Here are a few more benefits of using removable partial dentures to replace missing teeth:

  • They can help you look younger
  • They can make it easier for you to chew food
  • They can give you a smile that you are proud of
  • They can be easily put in and taken out for your convenience
  • They are affordable

What are removable partial dentures composed of?

Amazing Benefits of Removable Partial Dentures  Your new removable partial dentures typically are constructed with replacement teeth fixed to a plastic base that matches the color of your gums. In some cases, this plastic base may cover a metal framework. These partial dentures will often have some form of a clasp that attaches to your natural teeth. This holds the denture in place. Your dentist or denturist may also recommend crowns on some of your natural teeth to help improve the way your removable partial denture fits your mouth.


Types of partial dentures:

1. Acrylic partial dentures

2. Metal frame partial dentures

3. Flexible (Valplast, Duraflex, etc…) partial dentures

Your denturist will know which kind of removable partial denture is right for you.

A few tips from your denturist regarding adjusting to your new dentures:

  • Begin by eating soft foods cut into small pieces
  • Chew on both sides of the mouth to keep the pressure even
  • Do not eat very sticky or hard foods, and do not chew gum
  • If you find that some words are hard to say at first, try reading out loud. With time and practice, you should be able to speak well.

If you have missing teeth, it is a good idea to set up a consultation with your local denturist to see if removable partial dentures in Portland OR might be right for you. Once you are fitted for them, your denturist will make follow-up appointments to look for pressure points or sore spots. Dr. Poleon will make adjustments so your denture fits comfortably. Once it’s perfect, you can begin to experience the confidence and happiness of a bright new smile.