4 Vital Tips To Avoid Unnecessary Denture Repair

Denture Repair in Portland OR

At Classic Denture Center, we provide our clients with high-quality dentures that are built to last. Your dentures are designed to serve you comfortably and look great for many years with proper care. To take care of your dentures and keep them looking great, you just need to maintain a simple daily routine over time.

To help you keep them looking great and avoid unnecessary denture repair in Portland OR, we recommend you remember the following:

  • Be careful when handling them: Your dentures are meant to hold up to the elements, but they can easily break if you drop them in the sink. To prevent breaking them, keep a firm grip when cleaning.
  • Clean them regularly: A simple rinse of your dentures thoroughly in warm water after each meal and brushing them at least twice a day will help you keep them clean and free of plaque. That said, using regular toothbrush and toothpaste can leave microscopic scratches on your dentures, causing plaque to build up. Warm water and a gentle brush should be enough to keep them looking great.
  • Keep them moist: Removing your dentures when you go to bed and letting them soak in water overnight will give both your mouth and your dentures a break. If you are planning to use a cleaning solution that could possibly tarnish the metal on your dentures, consult with your denturist first. It is also important to remember to never use bleach, vinegar or harsh soap because these materials could irreversibly damage your dentures. And don’t let your dentures dry out because they could lose their shape.
  • Don’t wrap them in a paper towel: We know many of our clients with dentures do this one quite often.  We caution against this practice when possible because so many dentures are accidentally lost or thrown away when doing this. A great alternative to a paper towel or napkin is a carrying case that you can keep in your purse or in a safe place while you are not wearing them.
  • Visit your Denturist regularly: As always, we recommend that you visit your Denturist regularly to catch any issues that could be popping up. It is a good idea to stay on top of these problems so that you can address them early, before they become a potentially more serious issue that requires a denture repair in Portland OR. It is also important to let your Denturist know if you are experiencing any discomfort or changes in how your dentures work for you.

If you have any questions at all about how to care for your dentures or suspect that you might need a denture repair, come see us Classic Denture Center today!

5 Critical Tips For Proper Denture Care

Cosmetic Dentistry Portland OR

Our cosmetic dentistry in Portland OR from Classic Denture Center is a fantastic restorative option our clients who may be missing one or more teeth. Our professional team does a great job at giving you a healthy, complete, and white smile.

Here are five tips for properly caring for your dentures and implants, to ensure you keep that great smile:

1) Dont forget to clean your dentures every single day 

Your dentures should be cleaned daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Even though they can’t get cavities, it is still possible for bacteria to settle on them. Toothpaste is not a great cleaning product for your dentures because it is often too abrasive. Instead, just gently brush and rinse them with water when you are done. It is also a good idea to always rinse your dentures with water after every meal. This will help to flush away excess food particles.

2) Practice good oral hygiene

Along with cleaning your dentures regularly, it is a good idea to make sure that you keep taking good care of your overall oral hygiene too. Using a soft toothbrush on any of your remaining natural teeth, your gums, the inside of your cheeks, and your palate can help improve your oral health. You should also continue flossing any natural teeth you have.

3) Handle your dentures with care

Your dentures can become broken or bent out of shape if they are dropped, so remember to handle your dentures carefully whenever you are putting them in, removing them, or holding outside of your mouth for any other reason.

4) Properly remove your dentures and store them while you sleep

If you have regular dentures, removing them and properly storing them at night will be part of your regular routine. Never keep them lying out in the open, as they have been known to crack or warp if they become too dry.

5) Visit your denturist on a regular basis

One of the most important tips for denture care is to visit Classic Denture Center on a regular basis to have your dentures cleaned, examined, and adjusted if they require it. You should know that your oral structures can change shape over time, which can result in a poor fit and discomfort and irritation.

At Classic Denture Center we offer our clients a variety of options for cosmetic dentistry in Portland OR. We can provide you with any denture service you need and are happy to make adjustments for a more comfortable fit or perform emergency denture repairs when needed.

Our favorite part of offering denture and implant services to our clients is that we get to watch their smile and their self-confidence change for the better!

If you’re looking for a denture clinic in Portland Oregon to help with your denture care routine, contact us to schedule an appointment today.


Debunking 6 Myths About Dentures

Dentures in Portland OR

Even though dentures are an effective and affordable tooth replacement option that can help you achieve dental health and a return to mouth function, there are many misconceptions out there that might have you holding off on making the jump into a great new smile.

The problem is that modern dentures are very different now from their early beginnings, leaving them with a stigma that is hard to break away from. At Classic Denture Center we provide high-quality dentures in Portland OR and would really like to clear up some of the myths you have likely heard about them.

Myth #1 – Your new dentures are one-size-fits-all

We firmly believe in a customized solution to your new smile, so our dentures are not a one-size-fits-all solution. We take the time to specifically fit your new dentures to the dimensions and uniqueness of your mouth so that they will not only function and look great, but they will also be so incredibly comfortable that you may even forget you are wearing them.

Myth #2 – Your new dentures will last a lifetime

One thing we can admit to at Classic Denture Center is that even though your new dentures are capable of resisting a great deal of the wear, tear, and breakage, they will eventually need to be replaced over time.  Even the most well-maintained and high-quality set of dentures will not last forever. Not only can dentures be broken when dropped, they can also lose their shape as your mouth and jaw change. Regardless of the type of dentures your buy, once they have seen too much wear and tear, you will need to be fitted with new ones.

Myth #3 – You will not need to see your denturist regularly once you get your dentures

We always recommend that you see your denturist regularly because as mentioned above, your mouth and facial structures may change with time.  This can lead to dentures that may not be as comfortable and can cause issues. If you see your denturist often, these changes can be dealt with and adjusted over time, instead of the change being so severe that you need to replace your dentures early.

Myth #4 – You can fix your dentures yourself 

We cannot stress this enough… You should NEVER attempt to fix your dentures at home. Whether you use household supplies or a DIY denture repair kit, you could destroy your dentures beyond repair if you attempt to fix them yourself.  If your dentures break, need to be relined, or if they need to be adjusted, please bring them to our clinic for repair.

Myth #5 – Your dentures will limit what you can eat

If you are concerned that you will have to give up your favorite foods because of your new dentures, please put your mind at ease.  As a matter of fact, with patience and practice, denture wearers whose dentures are properly fitted can eat just about anything.

Myth #6 – Your dentures can be all day and night

With all of the benefits our dentures provide, we just know that you are certainly going to love wearing them, but remember to take them out regularly. Regardless of how comfortable they are, your mouth needs regular breaks from them. Since you don’t need them while you are sleeping, this is a good time to give your mouth that much-needed break.

Have more questions about dentures in Portland OR?

Before you make the big decision to get new dentures, it is always a good idea to find out how you can get the most benefit out of wearing them. If you have any questions at all about dentures in Portland OR,  don’t hesitate to ask denturists Tanya Poleon at Classic Denture Center. She will be happy to help you make the very best decision for you.

Contact us today, you won’t regret it!



Tips for New Denture Wearers – Part 2

thomas-hafeneth-244903Getting new dentures in Portland OR can be both an exciting and daunting time. This is normal because this life event comes with many life changes.

Over the course of several weeks, most denture wearers will gradually make the adjustment, and eventually wearing dentures will become second nature.

However, the following tips for new denture wearers might be beneficial:

1. Take a break from your dentures: Sleeping without dentures lets the tissues in your mouth rest and heal from any pressure, irritation, or soreness from wearing the dentures.

2.  Keep talking, practice makes perfect: It might be hard for your loved ones to understand you in the beginning, but it is important to continue talking to get used to it! Eventually, you will be a pro at communicating with your new dentures.

3. Ask your denturist about adhesives: Adhesives help your dentures fit properly and prevent food particles from getting between your dentures and your gums.

4. Try to stay hydrated: Denture wearers may occasionally experience dry mouth, which can cause the mouth and gums to feel irritated and may increase the potential for bacterial decay. Staying hydrated can help with this problem.

5. Remember to continue your regular checks with your denturist: Don’t forget to schedule visits with your denturist in Portland OR regularly to maintain the quality and fit of your dentures.

For any questions about your new dentures, contact us at Classic Denture Center today! We want your transition to wearing dentures to be a smooth one!

Tips for New Denture Wearers-Part 1

1dentureThis month our blog will be discussing some things that you should know if you have dentures or if dentures are in your near future.

Dentures can be a boost your own personal confidence and help improve your appearance. They can also make your face look fuller, and can help you look younger. That said, missing teeth can impact your speech, ability to chew food, and feel confident. So it is safe to say, that dentures can improve your life in a variety of ways.

If you are new to dentures, consider these 5 tips to make your life a little easier:

1. Maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet: Staying healthy is good for your both your oral and physical health.

2. Avoid foods that are crunchy or hard to eat: Especially, in the beginning, avoiding some of the more difficult foods to eat is a good idea.

3. Still take the time to clean your gums and brush your dentures: Just because you don’t have teeth anymore, your gums are an important part of oral health. It is also important to take care of your dentures to ensure they stay in tip-top shape.

4. Eliminate bacteria and plaque: Just because you don’t have teeth, doesn’t mean that you can’t have bacteria and plaque buildup.

5. Remember to soak your dentures to keep them clean: Soaking your dentures while you aren’t wearing them is an important part to both denture and oral hygiene. It ensures that your dentures will last you a long time!

For more suggestions for your new dentures in Portland OR, refer to our next blog post or contact the Classic Denture Center today!


How Periodontal Health Problems Your Dentures

123 dentureIn our last blog post, we discussed how gum disease and gum recession can lead to issues with the comfort and fit of your dentures in Portland OR.

When it comes to removable dentures, the loss of gum tissue or other serious problems with the health of the gum tissue means that dentures could come loose or feel uncomfortable.

When a patient has dentures fixed in place with dental implants, gum recession and gum disease can cause implants to be less stable, possibly resulting in implant failure and serious damage to the jawbone.

Here are a few tips for maintaining good periodontal health:

  • Brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day
  • Floss your teeth regularly, at least once a day
  • Do not use tobacco products
  • Clean and soak your denture/bridge as instructed
  • Visit your dentist for regular checkups and maintenance

For more information about your dentures in Portland OR, contact our office today! Our denturist Tonya Poleon her entire team are looking forward to your visit and discussing your dental health and wellness.

The Connection Between the Gums and Dental Health

appleYour Denturist in Portland OR Tonya Poleon understands that all parts of the mouth are in some way connected. When it comes getting full or partial dentures, this means that paying attention to all parts of the mouth is vitally important.

Most people think only the teeth and the patient’s jawbone when it comes to health and dentures. That said, there are many other things to consider with your dental wellness when you have dentures in place.

The health of your gums can be just as important when it comes to your dentures, and in many cases, people take their gums for granted. Gum disease and gum recession are both important factors of dental health, and today we will discuss both.

Gum Disease refers to the bacterial infection of the gum tissue. This infection is caused by the bacteria that is responsible for tooth decay and gum disease.

Here are the three stages of gum disease:

  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Advanced periodontitis

As gum disease progresses, it makes tooth loss, spread of infection, and other more serious health issues more likely.

Gum Recession refers to the loss of gum tissue along your dental ridge. When teeth are still present, gum recession often occurs due to smoking, gum disease, and trauma from aggressive brushing and flossing.

At Classic Denture Center, your denturist in Portland OR will help you maintain dental health and explain how to protect that smile! Contact us today!

Adjusting to the Life of Wearing Dentures – Part 2

123 dentureIn our last blog, we discussed the discomfort of wearing new dentures! Today we will continue giving you hope that one day, you will feel like yourself, despite your new dentures in Portland Oregon!

If you are someone who is concerned that the discomfort, pain, and difficulty with daily tasks will continue to cause you grief, this blog is for you! There are many things you can do to ensure that you will feel like yourself again!

Here are just a few suggestions to help you get used to your new dentures:

Exercise Your Cheeks: Your buccinator muscles (cheek muscles) help direct the food in your mouth towards your throat in preparation of swallowing. So, just like working out any other par of your body, building these muscles can give you more control over your meals while you are eating.

Experiment with Adhesives: Talk to your denturist about the best creams and adhesives on the market. Then go to the store and find the ones that work best for you! Remember that just a little bit goes a long way in reducing irritation.

Follow the Post-Extraction Plan Outlined by Your Denturist: One of the most important things you can do while you are getting used to your new dentures is to be on top of your treatment plan. Everyone heals differently, and can expect to be sore following a given extraction. So make sure to take any medication as prescribed, follow any advice given, and always attend your appointments. Try not to miss any dental visits after the first few months of wearing dentures.

If you have any questions at all about adjusting to your new dentures in Portland OR, do not hesitate to contact us at the Classic Denture Center! We want to be there for you every step of the way.



Adjusting to the Life of Wearing Dentures – Part 1

This month we are all about soothing your oral discomfort from wearing dentures! Even though some discomfort is a part of life for many new denture wearers, it is possible to reduce and eliminate some of that discomfort!

If oral pain is a problem for you, getting used to denture is an important factor in your health. Fortunately, with Classic Denture Center, you don’t have to sacrifice comfort for your great new smile!

Try a few of these tips to help you adjust to your new dentures in Portland OR:

Set Realistic Expectations:
Just like when wearing braces, your dentures will seem like there is a foreign object in your mouth at first. It can be difficult to speak, eat, or act naturally while wearing them. You might experience some shock in the beginning, but after a bit of time, you will find yourself getting used to the feeling.

Eat Healthy Food:  During the early phases of wearing dentures, don’t forget to eat nutritious foods for more forgiving, processed items. Staying healthy is a big part of denture wearing success.

Sing Your Speech: You might not know this, but music is a great form of speech training. While wearing your new dentures, try singing along to your favorite songs! This technique can help you get used to forming certain words and get back to talking like yourself!

These are just a few ways to get used to your new dentures in Portland Oregon! We will cover a few more next time.

To talk about getting dentures with a professional you can trust, contact our denturist at the Classic Denture Center today!

Is it Time for a Trip to See Your Denturist

123 dentureHow do you know when it is time to make a trip to your local denturist in Portland OR?

To help you find out, we at the Classic Denture Center have a few questions you can answer to determine if it is time to make an appointment to visit your denturist.

Your dentures will typically last between five and 10 years. That said, it is important to visit with your denturist regularly to make sure that the fit and function of your dentures is still working for you.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I having difficulty chewing food?
  • Am I having difficulty speaking?
  • Am I always biting the side of my mouth or cheek?
  • Did my mouth and/or gums have become red or inflamed?
  • Do I experience continued discomfort wearing my dentures?
  • Are my dentures cracked or chipped?
  • Have I had my dentures for over five years?

It is important to remember that not all dentures are made the same way or with the same materials.

When you come in for a check-up, your experienced denturist will be able to address your needs and expectations to ensure you the right fit and function for your new dentures. Our dentures are crafted using the most advanced technologies and techniques to ensure a long-lasting and comfortable fit for many years to come.

Contact us today to make an appointment to find out if you are ready for a denture upgrade.