Classic Denture Center in Portland OR offers Denture Repair Services

We are so happy that you chose to invest in your new smile with us! We know that if dentures are right for you, they can change your life for the better, and we love being a part of that process!

dentures in portland orNow that you have received your new dentures, know that it is completely normal to need one (or more) follow-up appointments to have things adjusted and checked. This is because every mouth is different, and each one will adapt differently.  Your dentures at Classic Denture Center are designed to be as unique as you are so that they will fit you perfectly and lead to a totally comfortable new smile.

If you realize that you are not adjusting to your new dentures as quickly as you should, or if you notice something that needs to be repaired, please contact us as soon as possible. It is immensely important that you never try to make these repairs or adjustments yourself because it could lead to costly or irreparable damage.  We also stress how important it is that you never bend any part of the metal attachments, as it could weaken the metal and shorten the life of your dentures.

In order to keep your dentures comfortable and in working order for as long as possible, here are a few tips to help you avoid unnecessary denture repair in Portland OR:

Handle your dentures carefully: Though we do design your dentures to stand up to your lifestyle, they can break if you drop them. Try to keep a firm grip on them at all times, and even put a towel in the sink when cleaning to soften the landing if they fall.

Keep them clean: Taking a few simple steps will keep your dentures sparkly clean in both the long term and the short term. Keep them at their best by rinsing them thoroughly in warm water after each meal and brushing them at least twice a day. Remember that using a regular toothbrush and toothpaste can leave microscopic scratches on your dentures, leading to build up of pesky plaque. Be sure to use your denturist-approved cleaning methods.

Make sure they don’t dry out: Remove your dentures when you go to bed and leave them soaking in water overnight. This will give both your mouth and your dentures a break.

Avoid wrapping them in a paper towel: We know this is an easy trick that many denture wearers use often. That said, we suggest avoiding this if possible. Many dentures get lost or thrown away due to this practice! Your dentures are a part of who you are, so a safer storage option is the way to go.

denture repair services in portland oregonAs always, we recommend that you visit Denturist Tanya Poleon, L.D. regularly to catch any issues that could pop up. Catching things early can make all the difference in the life of your denture and in your quality of life. Denture repair in Portland OR can seem daunting but know we are here for you every step of the way.

Ten Tips to Help You Adjust to Your New Dentures

If you are new to wearing dentures and are concerned that you aren’t completely adjusted to wearing them immediately… You aren’t alone.

In general, it can actually take around 30 days to get used to wearing them.

It might be difficult to be patient during this time, but your denturist in Portland Oregon suggests relaxing and allowing yourself to get used to them before worrying. As you adjust, you will be learning to eat and speak again, which can definitely be a challenge.

As uncomfortable as it might be, you should probably expect some soreness at first. This is especially true if you have had some tooth extractions. These procedures inflame your gums and need time to heal.

Eating soft foods and rinsing with warm salt water will help reduce your pain and allow your mouth a chance to get used to the new situation.

Below you will find 10 denture scenarios, and some suggestions to help you overcome and adjust to them.

portland oregon denturist

1. Patience. Learning to wear a denture takes time, and your mouth needs to heal and adjust. It’s important to follow your denturist’s advice and not become discouraged because everyone who gets new dentures experiences this.

2. Lowers. If you have a complete lower denture, you should know that it usually takes far longer to master than a complete upper one. Remember to take your time and try not to worry when your tongue feels strange or restricted. It will soon accustom itself to the new position. Practice makes perfect!

3. Chewing. Eating only soft foods for the first few days is important to allow your mouth to heal. Over time you can add more solid foods into the mix, and as you do try to chew slowly and evenly so that you grow accustomed to managing your denture and to the pressure on the gums when chewing and biting. Give yourself more time for meals, because the longer you take, the quicker you will master your new denture.

4. Biting. In the beginning, don’t take large bites. Cut all foods into small portions and take much smaller bites than you normally would. If and when your gum ridges are firm enough to try foods that are bitten off (bread, corn on the cob, maybe even apples), press the food back against the upper teeth when biting to stabilize the denture.

5. Sore Spots. If you are experiencing pain and/or discomfort spots on your gums, visit your denturist for an adjustment.

6. Speech. If you notice that your dentures are causing you to slur your words or make speech seem more difficult, it is always a good idea to practice reading aloud or speaking before a mirror.

7. Cleaning. Your denture should be cleaned every morning with a denture safe cleanser or soap. This will help you make sure that it isn’t harboring bacteria or plaque that could cause damage to your gums. Cleaning will also ensure that your denture stays beautiful and comfortable for as long as possible.

8. Wear and Care. Try not to remove your denture, unless you need to clean or rinse it. Your denture may warp if it is left out to dry for an extended period of time. When you remove it for the night, keep it in water.

9. Tissue Change. It is important to remember that your gum tissues change, but your denture does not. Visit your denturist on a regular basis for a complete denture checkup to make sure that your denture is functioning properly.

10. Adjustments. This one is important! Never attempt to repair, reline, or adjust your denture by yourself in any way. This is a task that must be left to your denturist.


Enjoy soft foods while you adjust to your new denturesThe above tips are important to ensuring that you can be successful in wearing your new dentures! They might be uncomfortable, strange, and sore at first, but getting new dentures should be seen as an exciting new step in your life. These dentures are meant to give you confidence, beauty, and function… So if you are stressed out with the adjustment process, just remember that it’s only temporary.

After just a bit of time, you will be LOVING your new mouth and these first 30 days will be a distant memory!

At Classic Denture Center, we are dedicated to helping you achieve that goal.

Your denturist in Portland Oregon, Tanya Poleon, can ease your mind and answer any questions you might have. We’ll gladly provide you with extra tips to help you adjust to your new smile. Contact us today!

9 Vital Tips to Keeping Your Dentures in Tip Top Shape

denturist in Portland OR

Your denturist in Portland OR Tanya Poleon takes great pride in creating a beautiful set of dentures to help you gain both confidence and function in your daily life! These dentures are meant to last you through many years of chewing, talking, laughing, and smiling!

That said, your high-quality dentures from Classic Denture Center can begin to deteriorate prematurely if they are not cared for in an effective and cautious way!

For this reason, your denturist will always take the time to explain to you the proper ways to care for your dentures. If you follow her advice, your new dentures can do their job and stay looking fantastic for their entire life-span.

One thing to remember is that when it comes to dentures, they are just like natural teeth in the way that they require daily hygiene. But what does that mean? Obviously, your dentures are not natural teeth, so you must learn to care for them in the correct way!

Here are 9 important tips for caring for your dentures from your trusted denturist in Portland OR:

1. Remember to clean your dentures after each meal: To do this, take your dentures out of your mouth and carefully rinse off the loose food particles. Next, wet the brush and put the denture cleaner on it. Use the brush to scrub all of the surfaces gently to keep from damaging the plastic base.

2. It is best to use a special brush made for cleaning dentures: That said, you can use a toothbrush with bristles that are soft. NEVER use a hard-bristled brush because it could damage your dentures.

3. Liquid soap is effective when used with your denture brush: Remember though, toothpaste should never be used to clean dentures. Toothpaste can have abrasive particles in it that could damage the denture base and teeth.

4. Take extra precaution not to drop your dentures: Dentures are very delicate and have been known to break when dropped on a hard surface. If you stand over a folded towel or a sink filled with cool water while holding your denture, you should be fine.

5. Store your dentures in water when you are not wearing them: If you allow them to sit out, they could dry out or lose their shape.

6. Ask your denturist: She can educate you on the proper way to care for your dentures and inform you if you should be using a special cleanser.

7. Always remember to rinse your partial denture well if you use a denture cleanser: These products can contain chemicals that are not intended to go inside your mouth.

8. Always read the instructions: They can tell you exactly what process you should use for your particular denture cleanser.

9. Keep your dentures away from curious children and pets when you are not wearing them: Children are inquisitive in nature and may be drawn to your dentures as something new and exciting!

It is always a good idea to ask your denturist for advice when it comes to the proper care of your dentures because the processes might vary slightly between offices. Your denturist in Portland OR can give you some tips and suggestions in person, and may even be able to offer some tricks to keeping your dentures in working order as long as possible!

Contact us to make your appointment today and be prepared for a stunning new smile that will blow your friends and family away!

9 Painful Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

At Classic Denture Center, we see a variety of patients dealing with a multitude of oral conditions. Any one of them can cause you pain or discomfort on a regular basis, but we want you to know that we have your back.

When you visit our office, you will find that your denturist in Portland OR offers so much more than just implants and dentures in Portland OR.  We offer our patients peace of mind and a great smile inside and out.

If you are one of the millions of people dealing with a TMJ disorder (TMD), we know that you are struggling with a variety of symptoms that might be impacting your life. It’s not fun to experience the symptoms of Craniomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) and we want to help!

dentures Portland OR - TMJCraniomandibular Dysfunction refers to problems in your jaw that may involve both the jaw joints and the muscles of the head, neck, and face.

When someone experiences TMD, there is a problem with the joints located on each side of the face in front of the ears that connect the jaw to the skull. This condition can cause you mild discomfort all the way to severe pain.


TMD is more common than you might think

It is estimated that as many as one in every four Americans suffer from one or more of these classic TMD symptoms:

  1. Headaches
  2. Pain behind the eyes
  3. Dizziness
  4. Click, pop or grating sounds in jaw joints
  5. Limited mouth opening
  6. Locking jaw
  7. Neck pain or stiffness
  8. Earaches, stuffiness or ringing ears
  9. Difficulty swallowing

Because symptoms can mask themselves as so many other conditions, many people travel from doctor to doctor seeking the answers for their pain. Many never even think to seek out a dentist or denturist.

There are various ways that temporomandibular joints can be disrupted, such as:

  • Trauma through whiplash or a blow to the face
  • Connective disorders (arthritis)
  • Skeletal malformation (posture)

TMD can also be the result of the way your teeth are lined up and your bite. If you have a bad bite, you might have problems with the way your upper and lower teeth line up when they come together. They might line up in a way that provides improper bracing support for the jaws. This can occur from:

  • A missing tooth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Ill-fitting dentures

Over time, this condition can cause your body to need to compensate for the discomfort, leading to the involvement of muscles in other areas, such as in the:

  • Neck
  • Throat
  • Upper back
  • Arms
  • Pelvis

If you have been suffering from pain or discomfort from TMD, there is something you can do about it. Seeking the help of a denturist who knows this condition is of vital importance.

Prior to opening Classic Denture Center, Denturist Tanya Poleon took her internship in the TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) office of Dr. Arthur Parker. This unique experience gave her the ability to understand the biomechanics of the temporomandibular joints. She regularly applies neuromuscular principles to determine an optimum jaw position to build the bite with upper and lower denture teeth alignment for her edentulous patients.

Contact our office today for information about dentures in Portland OR and to gain freedom from pain, a beautiful smile, and a better quality of life!

How to Save Time with Mobile Denture Services

At Classic Denture Center, we understand how important proper dental care is to your overall health. The way we look at it is that your mouth is the door to the rest of your body. Diseases that occur here, such as oral infections, can lead to much more serious and even life-threatening issues.

mobile denturist portland oregon | Poleon dentures Thankfully, your mobile denturist in Portland OR has both the experience and skills that are necessary to provide the quality oral care that you or your loved one needs in order to achieve a high quality of life. For this reason, we offer mobile denture services for our clients who reside in nursing homes, as well as those who live in adult foster care centers. It is our mission to help change their lives through consistent, prompt, skillful, and compassionate care.

How does mobile dental service work?

Your denturist Tanya Poleon, LD is willing to help all of her denture clients, including those who are unable to come into the clinic. You might not realize it, but we can actually bring a full range of denture services right to you! We bring the tools with us, from the necessary equipment needed for the procedure to our experienced and knowledgeable team.

How do I get mobile denture services?

Now that you know about this amazing service, are you wondering how to get this mobile treatment? In order to obtain a referral to our mobile denture services, please contact Exceptional Needs Dental Services at right away. Once you have a referral, you or your loved one can call our office to request an appointment. We will then ask you for some information and have you fill out some paperwork. If you currently live in a senior care center or in an adult foster care center, our team will reach out to you or your representative to walk you through the process.

Denture care is easier than ever with Classic Denture Center! You can avoid the trip to our office and skip taking an entire day off to see your denturist because she will come to you. This service will help you achieve all of your oral goals in a cost-effective and timely manner.

If you are in need of denture service, but leaving your residence to get it ranges from difficult to impossible, your mobile denturist in Portland OR is here to help. Delaying care can lead to painful and costly repercussions, which can be avoided with denture services. Contact Classic Denture Center today to schedule your appointment and get ready to be spoiled with care directly from your home.


6 Important Times to Call Your Denturist

Denturist Portland OR

Do you have cracked, broken or stained dentures? If you do, Classic Denture Center is here to help you with all of your denture repair needs.

It is important to seek help as soon as you notice damage to your dentures to avoid further damage.

If you are wondering about what types of repairs your local Denturist in Portland OR can perform, we have listed a few below: 

  1. Cracked or broken teeth: One of the most common types of damage we see is breakage. In many instances, this happens when our patients drop their dentures into the sink or onto the floor when taking them out or putting them back in place. Breakage can also occur when biting into something hard. In most cases, if you come into our office right away, your cracked or broken false teeth can be repaired. That said, if you attempt to use a DIY repair kit, you could make the problem worse. Try to remember that non-professional denture repairs may lead to further complications in adjustment and durability at some point or another. It is also important to know that poor quality repairs are in many cases more difficult to undo than repairing it professionally the first time.
  2. Worn teeth: Wearing your dentures day after day can lead to wear and tear. If they are exposed to strong temperature differentials or teeth grinding habits, they could wear earlier and require repair. So if you notice signs of wear pop up early on, your denturist can repair or replace individual teeth.
  3. Lost teeth: If you have experienced tooth loss, your denturist can replace them easily without making you compromise fit, comfort, or aesthetic.
  4. Adding teeth: In some cases, our patients may experience the loss of additional natural teeth. When this happens, your dentures can in many cases be adapted to the new space. We can add extra teeth to replace the newly extracted or broken natural teeth and you can go back to your daily life.
  5. Adjustments: At some point or another, you will likely need an adjustment for your dentures. This can happen for a number of reasons. Maybe you are experiencing normal wear of the denture or a change in the gums underneath. If this is the case, a denture can be relined to renew the contact area with the gum. On the other hand, your denturist may suggest having your dentures rebased, which means refabricating the pink acrylic of the denture that holds the teeth in place.
  6. Stain removal: If you are noticing a great deal of staining on your dentures, your Denturist in Portland OR is professionally equipped to remove all kinds of stains from your dentures safely and without leaving behind damage to the finish.

Have you been putting off an important denture repair? If so, it’s time to take the next step and contact us! We want to make sure that you love your smile every single day, from how it looks to how it feels!